By the grace of God go I says Howard Conder
This entry is part 1 of 7 in the series Revelation TV

In 1997 a dear couple who were watching Howard’s programmes on Identity Television, a subsidiary of BET (Black Entertainment Television) insisted he put his testimony onto videotape.

Anyway, a long story made short. Even though the filming took place around 1997, Howard did nothing with it for about four years. One day in the first part of the new millennium (the year 2000),
Howard got prompting to put his interview onto his edit suite and produce a finished programme.

Although he again was not at all happy about making this programme and apparently made it clear to the Lord and it was only when the Lord said “this is not for your benefit but for others who will watch the video”. Therefore, Howard went ahead with producing his testimony and It was only when Howard had sat down and watched the video, he then realised just what the Lord was saying to him.

This is for others who may think there is no way back to God when we mess up. Howard no longer felt ashamed of his past and prays that others too will come to realise that is why we have a redeemer in and through Jesus Christ. Hallelujah!

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Howard Conder



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