From Tragedy to Triumph: Howard Conder’s Journey of Divine Intervention and Hope

From Tragedy to Triumph: Howard Conder’s Journey of Divine Intervention and Hope

This entry is part 20 of 21 in the series Howard Conder's Life Stories

Howard Conder’s life has been a testament to the miraculous workings of divine intervention, spanning from the tumultuous era of Nicolae Ceausescu’s regime in Romania to present-day revelations. Despite grappling with dyslexia, Conder fervently shares his remarkable journey, intending to bring hope and inspiration to those who hear his story.


The Promise – Who has the rights to the Holy Land?

The Promise is a documentary produced by Howard Conder as to who has the rights to the Holy Land?

We endeavoured to look at the history of what is referred to as Israel and Palestine. Are God’s promises regarding the Promised Land recorded in the Holy Bible for the Jews or for the Arabs?

Howard and his film crew interviewed several people for this documentary, sincerely looking for the truth on this important topic. There has been great enmity between the two faith groups for centuries now, and no lasting solution has come about.

There are many scriptures in the Old Testament and enough in the New Testament to clarify God’s views and wishes as to whom the Holy Land belongs to and as Howard discovered for himself, chapters10 and 11 in Romans were a real revelation.


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From Tragedy to Triumph: Howard Conder’s Journey of Divine Intervention and Hope

From Tragedy to Triumph: Howard Conder’s Journey of Divine Intervention and Hope

This entry is part 20 of 21 in the series Howard Conder's Life Stories

Howard Conder’s life has been a testament to the miraculous workings of divine intervention, spanning from the tumultuous era of Nicolae Ceausescu’s regime in Romania to present-day revelations. Despite grappling with dyslexia, Conder fervently shares his remarkable journey, intending to bring hope and inspiration to those who hear his story.

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The Promise, a documentary asking the question Who has the rights to the Holy Land, Jews or Arabs? (Palestinians)

The Promise, a documentary asking the question Who has the rights to the Holy Land, Jews or Arabs? (Palestinians)

Howard Conder and his film crew interviewed several people for this documentary, sincerely looking for the truth on this all important topic. Although this was filmed in 1999 it is even more relevant today especially since October 7th 2023.

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