From Tragedy to Triumph: Howard Conder’s Journey of Divine Intervention and Hope

From Tragedy to Triumph: Howard Conder’s Journey of Divine Intervention and Hope

This entry is part 20 of 21 in the series Howard Conder's Life Stories

Howard Conder’s life has been a testament to the miraculous workings of divine intervention, spanning from the tumultuous era of Nicolae Ceausescu’s regime in Romania to present-day revelations. Despite grappling with dyslexia, Conder fervently shares his remarkable journey, intending to bring hope and inspiration to those who hear his story.


Howard Conder endures a six-year long Charity Commission investigation
This entry is part 6 of 7 in the series Revelation TV

Enduring a six-year-long investigation for fraud and misappropriation of charitable funds ruined Howard Conder’s reputation and caused untold misery and depression for him.

After the first three years of the investigation, the Charity Commission were saying they hoped to conclude their investigation by the end of the year but that didn’t happen and it was also the same for the following two years and then Howard was so exhausted by the whole matter as he could see he was losing friends that he challenged the Charity Commission during a live TV show by announcing that he would go on hunger strike until they brought the investigation to a close. Fortunately, the Charity Commission agreed to conclude as they didn’t want to delay any further due to Howard’s health issues.


Howard Conder goes on Hunger Strike until Charity Commission concludes their six long investigations:


Howard Conder

The Charity Commission made a public announcement that we were basically a bunch of crooks.
To bring the investigation to a close, it took Howard to challenge the Charity Commission whilst ‘live’ on air on the 10th of August 2020 to conclude their extremely protracted investigation by saying that he was going on Hunger Strike until the Charity Commission concludes their six yearlong investigations.

The following is taken from the Charity Commission report under the heading of: Influence of Howard Conder:

69. At the time of the IM’s appointment Howard Conder, whilst not a trustee, held significant power and influence over the charity’s decision-making process.

70. Howard Conder was a founding trustee of the charity who resigned in February 2010. He is a presenter on Revelation TV and was at the time of the IM’s appointment also on the Management Committee, a group with no formal terms of reference. It appeared to be the case that the Management Committee was responsible for the day-to-day activities of not just the charity but also Revelation TV Europe SL and Revelation Association.

71. The charity was financially reliant upon the support of Howard and Lesley Conder, who contributed significantly either personally or through companies under their control to the establishment of the Spanish broadcasting operation, and the equipment and facilities required. For a number of years, the Conder family home in London was used as the studio for programmes produced in the UK.

72. The IM found that Howard Conder, as the founder of the charity and the driving force behind it, was still very involved in the day-to-day running of the charity and to all intents and purposes was effectively a “shadow trustee”. In discussion with the IM, Howard Conder accepted that this was the position. The IM observed that it would make sense to clarify and set out limitations to Howard Conder’s role within the charity.

73. The IM considered the option of Howard Conder being invited to once again become a trustee of the charity, and cautioned that if he was not to do so the other trustees must ensure that he does not act as a shadow trustee and exert any control over their actions. The Commission was subsequently informed that Howard Conder had declined the trustees’ invitation to become a trustee and that he had withdrawn from active leadership involvement in the TV station. Whilst his involvement may have reduced, Howard Conder remains a central figure in the broadcasting schedule at Revelation TV and is identified on the Revelation TV website, along with Lesley Conder, as a member of the Revelation TV Leadership Team.

74. Lesley Conder remains a trustee of the charity and a presenter on Revelation TV. The Conder home in the UK has ceased to operate as a studio.

75. The Commission has not seen any evidence to suggest that charitable funds have been misappropriated.

Howard said life was not worth living anymore as the hatred towards him was unbearable.

This was because of the initial announcement made by the Charity Commission that they were looking into allegations made by members of the public including disgruntled members of the Revelation Tv staff and volunteers who turned out to be greatly misinformed. 

Howard knew that such horrific accusations were false, as did the trustees of the Revelation Foundation, but nevertheless, the mud was slung and the damage to Howard and the Trustees was catastrophic and has even separated some members of his family, let alone many of his friends and fellow football players who have also been influenced by such false accusations and lies. 

Even though the Charity Commission has since concluded its investigation and has not found any evidence of fraud or any other criminal misgivings whatsoever, Howard’s name and character are still being maligned thanks to on-line slanderers. 

The abuse and the hate is still experienced by Howard to this very day. Howard has thought of ending his life many times, but he says there are two reasons why he hasn’t given in to thoughts of suicide. One reason is that he knows as a Christian that he does not have the right to take his own life and because he believes his accusers would think if he did commit suicide, it was because he was guilty of all the things he had been accused of. 

Therefore, because of the way social media works where all previous false allegations were announced by the Charity Commission were published and made public, Howard has to accept that social media will never delete such lies and that they will be there forever and the real truth will never surface and it is what it is but as a consequence, he has become more of a recluse and says he has to now wait until God’s day of judgement comes when all people will have to give an account for what they have done and said. Maranatha!

Revelation Foundation’s Response to The Charity Commission Inquiry

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