From Tragedy to Triumph: Howard Conder’s Journey of Divine Intervention and Hope

From Tragedy to Triumph: Howard Conder’s Journey of Divine Intervention and Hope

This entry is part 20 of 21 in the series Howard Conder's Life Stories

Howard Conder’s life has been a testament to the miraculous workings of divine intervention, spanning from the tumultuous era of Nicolae Ceausescu’s regime in Romania to present-day revelations. Despite grappling with dyslexia, Conder fervently shares his remarkable journey, intending to bring hope and inspiration to those who hear his story.


Why did Howard Conder start Revelation TV?
This entry is part 3 of 7 in the series Revelation TV

Howard relates some quite miraculous accounts of God’s guidance in starting Revelation TV

Revelation Tv is currently in its 20th year of broadcasting 24-7, 365 days a year. This is truly an amazing story of how Howard & Lesley Conder re-mortgaged their home to start a Christian Tv channel with only a pittance of funds.

Howard describes it as “Lunch Money”, meaning just the boy whose lunch the Lord Jesus took and fed the famous Five Thousand on the Mount of Beatitudes. similarly, Howard and Lesley’s money was such a small amount to start a Television Channel as it usually takes millions of pounds to even think about taking on such a venture. But not Howard, he believed that God was going to make it happen as it was not Howard’s problem to worry about the finances as he was only following what he sincerely believed was God’s problem.

Included in this video is a brief outline of the history of the Revelation Tv channel.

The good bad and ugly ups and downs including the Charity Commission Investigation which took six long years to conclude having made public that as Howard describes the Charity Commission foolishly believed a bunch of troublemakers who made false accusations against the trustees of the Revelation Foundation and against the Conders, as being true. And that the Charity Commission made a public announcement that we were basically a bunch of crooks, and that announcement was made without the Charity Commission even looking at the financial records. What happened to innocent until proved guilty?


Here in point 75 of the final report of the Charity Commission wrote:  75. The Commission has not seen any evidence to suggest that charitable funds have been misappropriated
That statement took six long years of investigation which also included investigations by tax authorities in the UK and Spain.

Now you can read for yourselves that there was no evidence of any financial improprieties. The personal pain and phycological damage and financial costs were too great to bear and still, even now the lies are still out there on social media and Howard feels it has spoilt his ability to share the Good News of the Gospels for his reputation has been ruined by all the lies and misinformation.

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From Tragedy to Triumph: Howard Conder’s Journey of Divine Intervention and Hope

From Tragedy to Triumph: Howard Conder’s Journey of Divine Intervention and Hope

This entry is part 20 of 21 in the series Howard Conder's Life Stories

Howard Conder’s life has been a testament to the miraculous workings of divine intervention, spanning from the tumultuous era of Nicolae Ceausescu’s regime in Romania to present-day revelations. Despite grappling with dyslexia, Conder fervently shares his remarkable journey, intending to bring hope and inspiration to those who hear his story.

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