Howard Conder life stories starting from Birth
This entry is part 1 of 21 in the series Howard Conder's Life Stories

Howard Lowthian Conder was born in 1946 in a hospital in Kendal in the Lake District, a most beautiful part of England.

During World War 2, Howard’s mother and siblings were evacuated to a Farm in a sleepy village called Warcop in Cumbria.
They were blessed to have lived with distant relatives on Highgate Farm right next door to the Warcop Army Training Area which is still functioning today.
Judging by the photo of Howard’s father Harry, it appears to have been taken wearing an RAF uniform which was probably taken some time either during WW2, however, his main occupation was a Woolworth’s Manager and in the early years of Howard’s life his father was not always with the family and that is why the photos of Howard in and around the farm bear witness to this as it looks like a very young Howard probably aged between one and two years of age.


Shortly after these photos were taken, the whole family moved to Scotland which was where Howard’s father worked as a Woolworth’s store manager.
Howard lived in Scotland until he was about six years old and he recalls he first became inspired by the music produced by the Scottish drummers and bagpipe players who used to march through the streets on special occasions.

It was during his time living in Scotland that Howard’s father became paralysed all down his left side, according to his mother this was due to a hard knock to his head when he was first diagnosed it was discovered that he had suffered from a bleed on the brain which caused a cerebral thrombosis which meant he could hardly walk and function without being cared for fulltime by Howard’s mother.
This led to the whole family moving to Darlington in County Durham where there were specialist doctors at the Memorial Hospital who could best treat Harry. Unfortunately, the hospital could not help Howard’s dad and he remained paralysed for the rest of his life.

Howard often reflects on just how much this affected the family, particularly his dad as he was only forty years of age when he first became paralysed, and he must have struggled with not being able to function as he did prior to the accident. So sad.

Harry Conder

Harry Conder
Howard Conder’s Dad

Howard's Mother & Father

Howard Conder’s Mother and Father
Wedding Day

Photos of Howard’s Uncle Jim and aunty Nannie whose surname was Lowthian; where Howard got his middle name from.

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