From Tragedy to Triumph: Howard Conder’s Journey of Divine Intervention and Hope

From Tragedy to Triumph: Howard Conder’s Journey of Divine Intervention and Hope

This entry is part 20 of 21 in the series Howard Conder's Life Stories

Howard Conder’s life has been a testament to the miraculous workings of divine intervention, spanning from the tumultuous era of Nicolae Ceausescu’s regime in Romania to present-day revelations. Despite grappling with dyslexia, Conder fervently shares his remarkable journey, intending to bring hope and inspiration to those who hear his story.


The Conders are finally approved to adopt baby Rebecca.
This entry is part 18 of 21 in the series Howard Conder's Life Stories

Getting one’s own government to do all the necessary legal documentation seemed to take forever, but after several months of waiting in Romania with baby Rebecca for the British bureaucracy to work its way through the system, the paperwork finally came through. Howard and Lesley and their two young children didn’t want to leave Rebecca, so they rented an apartment in Arad and stayed there until both the Romanian and British paperwork was completed.

It was more the British side that took the longest to approve the adoption, but as you will see from the video that Howard promises to put together soon, you will understand more of the heartache and to what extent the Conders had to go through in order to save this precious abandoned baby from being placed in an orphanage where she would have deteriorated to the degree that most abandoned babies did, and that would be resorting to rocking back and forth and without the love and attention that new born babies usually experience. This would probably have been detrimental to Rebecca’s mental health.

The head of the maternity hospital kindly kept Rebecca in her abandoned babies’ ward which was unusual, because a few weeks after their birth such babies were sent to an orphanage.

The Conders used to visit Rebecca every day to build a relationship with her and to shower her with love but there were worrying moments when it looked like the British and Romanian authorities were at loggerheads as to giving each side the information that one side was demanding and the other side saying it’s not necessary.

Howard said that Lesley was often in tears when it looked like the adoption wasn’t going to happen. Ironically, the American and other European nationals who came to Romania to adopt an abandoned baby would come and go in a couple of weeks, complete with the correct paperwork and their newly adopted babies. Not so for the Conders.

A very kind elderly couple in the apartment next door to where the Conders were staying would let Lesley make regular phone calls to the UK to chase up the outstanding documents which the Romanian authorities were still waiting for.

Then, one day it got to the point where there was only a matter of 24 hours for the Conders to obtain certain documents signed and notarised for a court hearing the next day in Arad which meant that Howard had to travel over 400 kilometers to Bucharest the capital, find an interpreter, interpret the English document from UK social services into Romanian and return back to Arad where Lesley would be waiting to address the Romanian Court.

This looked like an impossible situation. Nevertheless, Howard managed to catch a train. He travelled for 12 hours through the deepest of winters, minus 25 degrees Fahrenheit, and managed to get the documents all sorted, only to arrive back at Bucharest train station to find his train had been delayed in the mountains because of the high level of snow on the tracks. Knowing that time was running out…he prayed that somehow God would intervene and turn an overnight 12-hour journey back to Arad into a somewhat time-warped happening…. Otherwise, they would be too late for the Court appearance which was to finalise the adoption.
Lesley will take over from here and her story of just how God dealt with this impossible situation.

Lesley Conder tell the story of what happened:

“We had a 10 am Court Hearing and Howard was supposed to have arrived back from his all-round 24 hour trip to Bucharest and get back in time with the final set of documents which the Romanian authorities insisted on having in order to rubber-stamp the adoption of baby Rebecca. If this was not to happen that day, Rebecca would have to be placed in a Romanian orphanage.

The judge soon became aware that Howard’s train was not going to arrive in time, so the Judge made an impromptu decision to approve and sign the documents on one condition. The court would not hand the documents over to the Conders until Howard came directly to the Court with the documents he had picked up in Bucharest.
The time to collect would expire by 3 pm. Thank God that Howard’s train arrived just in time to take the documents to the Court in Arad. We also had travel documents for Rebecca which meant that we were all able to fly back to London and complete the adoption in England.” Lesley Conder.

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