From Tragedy to Triumph: Howard Conder’s Journey of Divine Intervention and Hope

From Tragedy to Triumph: Howard Conder’s Journey of Divine Intervention and Hope

This entry is part 20 of 21 in the series Howard Conder's Life Stories

Howard Conder’s life has been a testament to the miraculous workings of divine intervention, spanning from the tumultuous era of Nicolae Ceausescu’s regime in Romania to present-day revelations. Despite grappling with dyslexia, Conder fervently shares his remarkable journey, intending to bring hope and inspiration to those who hear his story.


After Romania, The Conder family return to the UK having lived and worked in America
This entry is part 11 of 21 in the series Howard Conder's Life Stories

Circa 1991 the Conder family returned to the UK immediately following their outreach to Romania and having lived and worked in America for almost a decade.

They managed to sell their home in Tampa Florida and had signed a contract to sell their very expensive musical and studio equipment to a very wealthy businessman Jim Mc. who was buying it for some people he wanted to help and asked if they could pay for it monthly over a five-year period, which the Conders agreed to.
All the Conders wanted to do at that time was to serve the Lord and use the income from the monthly payments to help support them in working as volunteers for the likes of Mercy Ships. Or that’s what they thought, and the funds would have lasted for at least the next five years.
When the Conders were living onboard the Anastasis, one of the Mercy Ships they discovered that the payments for selling their studio kit had stopped being paid and later discovered that someone who was purporting to be from the band Level 42 had said to Jim Mc that the Trident A-Range audio desk was a load of “Rubbish” and that comment really concerned Jim Mc the person who had agreed to pay for it and it turned out that guy was not from LEVEL 42 and whoever he was, he was just plain ignorant about the actual history and value of the audio desk because it was the very desk that Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen and all the early David Bowie and Elton John hit records had been recorded on and because it was such an iconic recording console, the Conders invested around $100,000 into restoring it.

Below are some of the photos taken in Howard’s London Music Studios.
Apart from producting records, Howard was also involved in a business of restoring old Profesional Studio Mixing Consoles.

The adoption of Rebecca finally gets approved in the UK


Other Trident A Ranges were selling for around $250,000 at the time and what Howard had managed to do was buy another A Range from an African Studio and he had them strapped together which made one huge console, both were electronically restored to a high standard. The matter eventually came to a sort of arbitration, all of the expense of restoring the Trident was never considered and the bottom line was that the Conders pretty much came back to the UK broke bar having an old car they paid £100 for and an Ikegami camera and some editing kit which they were going to use in ministry.
The Conders had to start from scratch again and build up their finances which were not going to be easy with two young children of their own and now also providing for their newly adopted baby Rebecca from Romania.

Their trust was in the Lord God of heaven as they knew in their hearts that He will provide as He had given them a direction and vision in which to pursue and that was to eventually start Christian Television in the UK and to make programmes that educate and encourage others to enter into His Kingdom and serve the living God rather than follow the desires of this world which were soon going to fade away and come to nought.

Because their mortgage on their apartment in Surbiton had been miraculously paid off, they moved back into it and set up a work area for Howard to edit and make programmes but now with two boys and one girl and there only being two bedrooms, Lesley and Howard slept on the Sofas. They saw this was quite the norm when they lived in Romania for several months and they thought nothing of it when living back in England.

Rebecca Conder

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